Improving environmental sustainability and the impact of the local environment on people’s wellbeing.
What does this mean?
In July 2019, Salford City Council declared a climate emergency, and, along with the rest of Greater Manchester, is committed to becoming ‘carbon neutral’ by 2038. The good news is Friends of the Earth named Salford the most sustainable council in the Northwest in 2019, while the Centre for Thriving Places named the council the greenest and most sustainable in England and Wales.
Our Social Value priorities are:
Less Waste, More recycling and re-use
Less carbon emissions
More use and care of green and blue spaces
What can you do?
Reduce, reuse and recycle your waste. Recycle for Greater Manchester has some great tips for residents and businesses on how to cut down on unnecessary waste at home and in the workplace.
Only buy what you need – in the home or at work.
Choose greener travel options where possible, such as walking, cycling or using public transport.
If you have to a car why not considering car sharing or, if you can afford it, consider upgrading to low emission, hybrid and electric vehicles. You can even use Salford’s green Co-Wheels scheme for low cost, low emission travel.
Make more use of Salford’s fantastic parks and open spaces or why not join a local Friends Group and organise a local litter pick.
Only use environmentally friendly products at home or the workplace. If you are a business, make sure you only work with suppliers who adopt good environmental practices and policies.
Reduce your energy use. Salford City Council provides lots of useful information on becoming more energy efficient including tips for households and business.