Carbon Creative

Carbon Creative is a carbon neutral branding and digital graphic design agency based in Media City UK in Salford. The company supports the delivery of small scale community planting schemes to offset their carbon emissions.

How does Carbon Creative achieve Social Value outcomes

  • They demonstrate their commitment based on values, not Corporate Social Responsibility requirements e.g. they plant the trees themselves
  • They describe themselves as a matchmaker between business and community, they facilitate projects and relationships normally out of reach
  • They provide capacity and resources not normally available to achieve these outcomes for the community

What do people say about Carbon Creative

I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own.’
council worker

It was great for the children to see people volunteering who weren’t from their school, people who cared and were keen to work with them.’
council worker

They were so friendly and supportive with Carbon, you know they’ll carry on because they have that investment.’